In Peak Health

Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinics

Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy (also known as Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy or ESWT)

Shockwave is a new development in the field of electrotherapy. Originally developed to treat kidney stones, Shockwave has also been discovered to be highly effective for the treatment of stubborn long-standing chronic tendinopathy and tendonitis injuries.
Shockwave is high energy ultrasound waves that induce a controlled amount of stress to an injured area restarting the healing process. It can be used on injuries such as:-
• Plantarfasciitis
• Heel Spurs
• Achilles tendonitis or tendinopathy
• Tennis elbow / lateral epicondylitis
• Golfer’s elbow / medial epicondylitis
• Hip pain including trochanteric bursitis and hip abductor tendinopathy
• Shin pain including anterior tibial stress syndrome or shin splints
• Shoulder pain including subacromial impingement, subscapularis and supraspinatus tendinopathies

How does it work?

The treatment is delivered in a certain number of shocks that last between 3-5 minutes, it is recommended that it is repeated on at least a weekly frequency to maintain the continuity of treatment. It is recommended that between 5 to 7 sessions are completed for full resolution however by session 3 we will have a clear indication of knowing if treatment is progressing successfully.

Shockwave Therapy at In Peak Health Physiotherapy is conducted at our New Mills clinic as part of our usual physiotherapy assessment and treatment process, prices remain the same.